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The Corporation
Country Dances, Ancient and Modern

Dances by Fried de Metz Herman (website)

Table of Contents

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Y


1 is One and All AloneFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
2, Two, the Lily White BoysFried de Metz Herman 1994Colin HumeDuple Minor
3 Men in a BoatFried de Metz Herman 2000no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
3, Three, The RivalsFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
3D WaltzFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicDuple Minor
4 for the Gospel MakersFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
5 for the Symbols at Your DoorFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
6 for the Six Proud WalkersFried de Metz Herman 1994New Shoots
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
7 for the Seven Stars in the SkyFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
8 for the Music MakersFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
9 for the Nine Bright ShinersFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
10 for the Ten CommandmentsFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
11 for the 11 who went to HeavenFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicTriple Minor
11 o'clockFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
12 for the Twelve ApostlesFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
24 Carats FineFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
30 Years WaltzFried de Metz Herman 2004no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231


Abernethy HouseFried de Metz Herman 1979no music4 Couple Longways
An Amherst CocktailFried de Metz Herman 2001no musicDuple Minor
ArcheryFried de Metz Herman 1991no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
An Arm & a LegFried de Metz Herman 1991no musicDuple Minor
Astoria LassFried de Metz Herman 1992Modern Treasures
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
At Rainbow's EndFried de Metz Herman 2002no musicDuple Minor


Birds of a Feather - HermanFried de Metz Herman 1994no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Bishop's HalloweenFried de Metz Herman 2002no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Black-eyed SusanFried de Metz Herman 2005Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
Duple Minor
BonecrusherFried de Metz Herman 1991no musicDuple Minor
Bridges of New YorkFried de Metz Herman 2005no musicDuple Minor
The Bright SideFried de Metz Herman 2001no musicDuple Minor
Bryon's BoutadeFried de Metz Herman 1991no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2341


Cat in the WindowFried de Metz Herman 1994no music3 Couple Longways
The Chocolate Round OFried de Metz Herman 1989no musicDuple Minor
Church in the HighlandsFried de Metz Herman 1992no musicSquare
Circle of TraditionFried de Metz Herman 1992no musicCircle as many as will
The Circle SarabandeFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicDuple Minor
ClusterphobiaFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
Cold Weather WaltzFried de Metz Herman 2005no music3 Couple Longways
Crown the YearFried de Metz Herman 2001no musicDuple Minor


Dutch TreatFried de Metz Herman 1957no musicFacing Couples


Ease and EleganceFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
The English PoacherFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
EnjoymentFried de Metz Herman 2004no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Eye of the StoreFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor


February FlowerFried de Metz Herman 2005no musicDuple Minor
Fifty~FiftyFried de Metz Herman 1996no music4 Couple Longways
The First LadyFried de Metz Herman 1991no musicDuple Minor
Fleur de LisFried de Metz Herman 1994no musicDuple Minor
The Friday SicilianFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicDuple Minor


A Girl's Best FriendFried de Metz Herman 1988no musicDuple Minor
Got a Dance - By George!Fried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
The Green HouseFried de Metz Herman 1993no musicDuple Minor


Hale Bopp CircleFried de Metz Herman 1997no musicDuple Minor
Harvest RoundFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicDuple Minor
HighfieldFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
Hilliar and Brook
Hilliar and Brook ~ 1Fried de Metz Herman 1991no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Hilliar and Brook ~ 2Fried de Metz Herman 1991no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Hilliar and Brook ~ 3Fried de Metz Herman 1991no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Hopatcong HopFried de Metz Herman 1991no musicDuple Minor


Icing on the CakeFried de Metz Herman 2005no musicDuple Minor
In the SereFried de Metz Herman 2007no musicDuple Minor
The Ins & OutsFried de Metz Herman 1996no musicDuple Minor
The IntroductionFried de Metz Herman 1996Favorites of the Boston Centre
Bare Necessities
4 Couple Longways permutation: 2341
The Invisible WomanFried de Metz Herman 1994Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
Duple Minor


Joy to the Person of my LoveFried de Metz Herman 1990no musicDuple Minor
Jubilee JigFried de Metz Herman 1989no musicCircle of trios


The Kidlington KnightFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor


Lady JaneFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
LaurelhurstFried de Metz Herman 1996no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Leah's Waltz
Leah's WaltzFried de Metz Herman 1989At Home
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Leah's Waltz ~ TripleFried de Metz Herman 1989At Home
Bare Necessities
Triple Minor
Lichfield SundaysFried de Metz Herman 1999no musicDuple Minor
Love thy NeighborFried de Metz Herman 1995no musicDuple Minor


A Mark of DistinctionFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicTriple Minor
The Mavis Sweetly SingsFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicTriple Minor
Michael and All AngelsFried de Metz Herman 1992Modern Treasures
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
MidsummerFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
Monday Long 8Fried de Metz Herman 1998no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2341
Mr. Willett's WishFried de Metz Herman 2004no musicDuple Minor
The Mud DauberFried de Metz Herman 1984no musicDuple Minor
Music is the Food of LoveFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicDuple Minor


The Name of the GameFried de Metz Herman 1994no music3 Couple Longways
The Night VisitorsFried de Metz Herman 2001no musicDuple Minor
Nomad WaltzFried de Metz Herman 1991no musicCircle as many as will
Norbury ParkFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
NostalgiaFried de Metz Herman 2006no musicDuple Minor


Ode to the PianistFried de Metz Herman 1999no music3 Couple Longways
The Old City TriadFried de Metz Herman 1995no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
One More StoneFried de Metz Herman 1992no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 3142


Party CircleFried de Metz Herman 1990no musicCircle as many as will
The Ponderosa PineFried de Metz Herman 1998Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
Duple Minor


Randolph FarewellFried de Metz Herman 1999At Home
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Circle
Return to HalswayFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
Roses among the ThornsFried de Metz Herman 1994no music3 Couple Longways


SatisfactionFried de Metz Herman 2001no musicDuple Minor
The Saturday TriadFried de Metz Herman 1998Bonnie Insull & Susan McNeil3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
SerendipityFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
Severn BoreFried de Metz Herman 1977no musicDuple Minor
Since First I Saw Your FaceFried de Metz Herman 1992no musicFacing Couples
Songs of the HarpistFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicTriple Minor
A Subtil KnittingeFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
Summer CircleFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicBecket
Sunday SpecialFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicTriple Minor
Sunny MeadowsFried de Metz Herman 1993no musicDuple Minor


Terry's TriadFried de Metz Herman 2002Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
the Tuesday Duple MinorFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicDuple Minor
These Golden TimesFried de Metz Herman 1999no musicDuple Minor
Three Men in a BoatFried de Metz Herman 2000no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Thursday MixerFried de Metz Herman 1998no musicDuple Minor
Time for a Little SomethingFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
To Dance or not to DanceFried de Metz Herman 1994no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
(To say nothing of the Dog)Fried de Metz Herman 2000no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Tracks in the SnowFried de Metz Herman 2005no musicDuple Minor
TransportedFried de Metz Herman 2000no musicDuple Minor
The TreasureFried de Metz Herman 2000no music3 Couple Longways
Trip to RidgewoodFried de Metz Herman 1977no musicDuple Minor


A Very ShadowFried de Metz Herman 2002no musicDuple Minor
Village Inn 4someFried de Metz Herman 2005no musicFacing Couples


Wassail Wassail!Fried de Metz Herman 1998no musicDuple Minor
Wednesday CircleFried de Metz Herman 1999no musicCircle as many as will
Wendel's WebFried de Metz Herman 2002no musicDuple Minor
Winter WaltzFried de Metz Herman 1999no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Wonders are ManyFried de Metz Herman 2003no musicDuple Minor
The Wood DuckFried de Metz Herman 1978no musicCircle as many as will


Y2KFried de Metz Herman 1999no musicDuple Minor
Yola's InvitationFried de Metz Herman 1978no musicFacing Couples
You'll Get There From HereFried de Metz Herman 2004no musicDuple Minor
of dances
of interpretations
with music

This website is copyright © 2021,2022,2023,2024 by George W. Williams V
Creative Commons License My work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Most of the dances have more restrictive licensing, see my notes on copyright, the individual dance pages should mention when some rights are waived.