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Up a double, Siding, Arming
Country Dances, Ancient and Modern

Dances interpreted by Charles Bolton (website)

Table of Contents



All Together, One after AnotherPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1989
no musicDuple Minor
AmesburyWalsh 1736
Charles Bolton 1991
no musicDuple Minor


Bellamira ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1689
Charles Bolton 1985
More Favorites of the Boston Centre
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Blenheim PoundPlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 2003
no musicDuple Minor
BoltonHenry Playford 1698
Charles Bolton 1986
no musicDuple Minor
Bonney DundeePlayford (John Young) 1721
Charles Bolton 2000
no musicDuple Minor
Bonny DundeePlayford (John Young) 1721
Charles Bolton 2000
no musicDuple Minor
Braes of Dornoch
Braes of DornochJohnson 1752
Charles Bolton 1989 Playford Assembly
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Braes of Dornoch ~ TripleJohnson 1752
Charles Bolton 1989 Playford Assembly
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
Triple Minor
The Brick MakersJohnson 1752
Charles Bolton 1986
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
The BrickmakersJohnson 1752
Charles Bolton 1986
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Britain's GloryPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1997
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
Burgundy's Flight ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1986
no musicDuple Minor


Catherine Street ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1997
Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
Duple Minor
Cheerily and Merrily ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1991 Playford Assembly
no music4 Couple Longways
Cheshire Rounds ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 2000 Playford Assembly
no musicDuple Minor
Cockle shells ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 1985 Playford Assembly
By Choice
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
The Collier's Daughter ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1985
By Request
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Constant Lover ~ BoltonNathaniel Kynaston 1710
Charles Bolton 1992
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Crosbey Square ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 1997
no musicDuple Minor
Cupid's Garden ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1688
Charles Bolton 1989
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 312


Le DébauchéJohnson ~1752
Charles Bolton 1989
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Devonshier GairlPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1997
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Devonshire GirlPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1997
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Divanshire GairlPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1997
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Divonsshire GairlPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1997
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Donawert PassPlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1992
no musicDuple Minor
Drive the Cold Winter Away ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 2003
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Drummer - ThompsonThompson 1757
Charles Bolton 1997 Playford Assembly
Bonnie Insull, Susan McNeil, and Robert WinokurDuple Minor
The Duke of Rutland's Delight ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1985
By Request
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways permutation: 231


Ely Minster ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1698
Charles Bolton 2003
no musicDuple Minor


Fourpence, Ha'penny, Farthing #2Playford (John Young) 1721
Charles Bolton 2000
Mrs. Beveridge's Triumph
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
The French Ambassador ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 1985
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
French Embassader ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 1985
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312


The Galloping NagPlayford (John Young) 1721
Charles Bolton 1991
no musicDuple Minor
The Glory of the West ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 2000
no musicFacing Couples


The Happy Captive ~ BoltonThompson 1777
Charles Bolton ~2004
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
An Health To BettyLovelace Manuscript ~1649
Charles Bolton 1985
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
Hemp-DresserJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1986
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
Her Killing Eyes ~ BoltonNathaniel Kynaston 1716
Charles Bolton 1989
Colin HumeDuple Minor
The Hey-Makers Dance in FaustusPlayford (John Young) 1726
Charles Bolton 2000
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Highland LassPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1997
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Highland WeddingJohnston 1752
Charles Bolton 1988
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
The Highlander's Wedding ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1988
no musicDuple Minor
Hogsdon SquarePlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1997
Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
Duple Minor
Hoxton SquarePlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1997
Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
Duple Minor


I Often for my Jenny Strove ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1690
Charles Bolton 2000
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312


Jack's Health ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1679
Charles Bolton ~2004 Playford Assembly
no musicDuple Minor
The Jockey #2Playford (John Young) 1721
Charles Bolton 2000
Mrs. Beveridge's Triumph
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Jockey to the Fair ~ BoltonAnonymous, (New Hampshire) ~1790
Charles Bolton 1997
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Jovial Beggars - PlayfordHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 1989 Playford Assembly
At Home
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor


Kendall HouseThompson ~1757
Charles Bolton 1988
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Kensington CourtHenry Playford 1695
Charles Bolton 1985
no musicDuple Minor
KingsailWalsh 1732
Charles Bolton 1991
Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
Duple Minor
KingsaleWalsh 1732
Charles Bolton 1991
Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
Duple Minor


Lady Day ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1698
Charles Bolton 1991
Colin HumeDuple Minor
The Last New VagariesHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 2000
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
LincoPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 2003
no musicDuple Minor
LincolnHenry Playford 1698
Charles Bolton 1986
no musicDuple Minor
The London GentlewomanJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1986
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
The London MaidJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1986
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
Lord Howe's Jig ~ BoltonThompson 1777
Charles Bolton 2003
no musicTriple Minor
The Lord Phopington ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 1988
no musicDuple Minor
The Lord PhoppingtonHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 1988
no musicDuple Minor
Love for LoveHenry Playford 1696
Charles Bolton 1992
no musicDuple Minor
Love for Love: Danc'd in the PlayHenry Playford 1696
Charles Bolton 1992
no musicDuple Minor


The Market LassBurbank 1799
Charles Bolton 1991
no musicTriple Minor
Masquerade RoyalPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1989
no musicDuple Minor
The Merry Conceit ~ BoltonNathaniel Kynaston 1710
Charles Bolton 1992
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Millison's Jigg ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 2000
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
The Mock Match - PlayfordHenry Playford 1698
Charles Bolton 1988
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Mother Brown's CatHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 1988
no musicDuple Minor
Mr. Heath's DancePlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1997
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 3142
Mr. Webb's Fancy ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1991 Playford Assembly
no music4 Couple Longways
Mrs. Hill's Dance ~ BoltonNathaniel Kynaston 1710
Charles Bolton 1988
Odd Sundays Recordings
Odd Sundays Garage Band
3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
The Mulberry MaidJohn Playford 1670
Charles Bolton 2000
no musicDuple Minor
My Lady Winwood's Maggot
My Lady Winwood's Maggot ~ Bolton 1Playford (John Young) 1726
Charles Bolton 1986
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
My Lady Winwood's Maggot ~ Bolton 2Playford (John Young) 1726
Charles Bolton 1986
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 312


New Man Tiger ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1992
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
New Man Tyger ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1992
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Newmarket LassBurbank 1799
Charles Bolton 1991
no musicTriple Minor
Northern Nancy ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1670
Charles Bolton 2000
no musicDuple Minor


One More Dance and Then ...Johnson 1752
Charles Bolton 1986
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
The Other Phoenix
The Other PhoenixPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1986
no musicDuple Minor
Our Happy MeetingPlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1988
no musicDuple Minor
The Oyle of BarleyJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1989
no music3 Couple Longways


Parson upon DorothyJohn Playford 1652
Charles Bolton 1992 Playford Assembly
no musicFacing Couples
Petticoat WagJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1989
Fast Friends
Bare Necessities
4 Couple Longways
The Phoenix #2
The Phoenix #2Playford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1986
no musicDuple Minor
Prince Edward's JigThompson 1757
Charles Bolton 1989
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231


Queen Bess's Dame of HonourPlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1988
no musicDuple Minor


Red and all RedMerry Lad 1753
Charles Bolton 1991 Playford Assembly
By Request
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
The Restoration of King CharlesPlayford (John Young) 1726
Charles Bolton 2003
no musicDuple Minor
The RiddleJohnson 1752
Charles Bolton 1988
no music3 Couple Longways
RigadoonHenry Playford 1690
Charles Bolton 1985
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Row Well, Ye Mariners ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1992 Playford Assembly
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
Circle as many as will


Sage Leaf ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1670
Charles Bolton 1985
no musicSquare
St. Catherine ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1701
Charles Bolton 1991
no musicDuple Minor
She Would If She CouldPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1991
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Shepherd's DaughterJohn Playford 1652
Charles Bolton 1992 Playford Assembly
no musicFacing Couples
Sir Watkin's JigUniversal Magazine 1749
Charles Bolton 1985 Playford Assembly
At Home
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
StingoJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1989
no music3 Couple Longways


The Taylor's DaughterJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1989
Fast Friends
Bare Necessities
4 Couple Longways
Temple-Barr ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1989
no musicDuple Minor
Ten Pound Lass ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1670
Charles Bolton 1986
no music4 Couple Longways
A Trip to NottinghamPlayford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 2003
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
The Tub #2 ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1986
no musicDuple Minor
'Twas o'er the Hills and Far Away
'Twas o'er the Hills and Far Away ~ Bolton #1Playford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 1986
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
'Twas o'er the Hills and Far Away ~ Bolton #2Playford (John Young) 1710
Charles Bolton 2003
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 231


Up Goes ElyPlayford (John Young) 1726
Charles Bolton 1991
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Up Tails All ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1985
no musicSquare
Up Tayles AllJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1985
no musicSquare


Waltham Abbey ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1697
Charles Bolton 1992
no musicDuple Minor
Walton Abbey ~ BoltonHenry Playford 1697
Charles Bolton 1992
no musicDuple Minor
We Will Down With the French
We Will Down With the FrenchThompson 1780
Charles Bolton 1997
no music3 Couple Longways
We Will Down With the French ~ #2Thompson 1780
Charles Bolton 1997
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Wedding ~ BoltonPlayford (John Young) 1718
Charles Bolton 1988
no musicDuple Minor
Wing's MaggotPlayford (John Young) 1726
Charles Bolton 2000
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Wolverton Hall ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1686
Charles Bolton 1997
no musicDuple Minor


Young DamonPlayford (John Young) 1726
Charles Bolton 2003
no musicDuple Minor
The Young Widow ~ BoltonJohn Griffiths 1788
Charles Bolton 1992
At The Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
of dances
of interpretations
with music

This website is copyright © 2021,2022,2023,2024 by George W. Williams V
Creative Commons License My work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Most of the dances have more restrictive licensing, see my notes on copyright, the individual dance pages should mention when some rights are waived.