All styles have started dancing again, though in some cases at a reduced schedule from before COVID.
All but the square dance welcome newcomers (the square dance does too, but you must take a class first). So feel free to show up. Beginners are advised to come early for a little pre-dance instruction.
The SB Country Dance Society hosts two large week-end events a year. In early/mid February we have the Winter Dreams Ball for English Country Dancing, and in October the Harvest Moon Contra Dance.
From time to time the local Longsword Group (also part of the SBCDS) puts on a sword dance. This style has no fixed schedule in town (pending on external performances as it does), but if you are interested come to the local English Dance to let us know. If you have never seen a longsword dance: Look here.
This website is copyright © 2021-2025 by George W. Williams V My work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Most of the dances have more restrictive licensing, see my notes on copyright, the individual dance pages should mention when some rights are waived.